Certified by FMCSA
Licensed By State of New York
Certified by M.WBE

Motorcycle Quiz 1

1. On slippery surfaces, you should
Use both the front and rear brakes.
Use the rear brake only.
Avoid using brakes.
Use the front brake only.

2. In which of these situations would you use the engine cut-off switch?
When you need to stop quickly
When you are being tailgated
When your throttle is stuck
When you need to avoid slipping on slippery surfaces

3. When making a slow, tight turn, how can you maintain balance?
Keep your feet on the footrests.
Lean in the opposite direction of the motorcycle.
Keep your body straight while leaning only the motorcycle.
Lean in the same direction as the motorcycle.

4. Studies have shown that most crashes involved riders who
Did not separate braking from swerving or did not swerve when it was appropriate to do so.
Underbraked the front tire and overbraked the rear.
Lacked one of the above skills.
Lacked none of the above skills.

5. What is the best way to prevent fatigue while you ride?
Drink lots of fluids.
Drive only during the day.
Take frequent rest breaks.
Do not wear a face shield.

6. How can you avoid riding in the blind spot of another vehicle?
Ride at the same speed as the vehicles you are beside.
Ride faster than the speed limit.
Find a place without traffic on either side.
Ride in the left lane position.

7. What is the best protection for your eyes while you ride a motorcycle?
A plastic face shield
A helmet
Protective glasses

8. To help maintain balance, your feet should
Be against the gas tank.
Point down toward the road.
Skim the ground during turns.
Be placed firmly on the footrests.

9. When passing a line of parked cars, you must be alert for
Cars exiting their parking spaces.
People emerging from between cars.
Drivers opening their doors.
All of the above.

10. In the rain, the safest place to ride is
In the tire tracks of other vehicles.
In the left lane position.
On the shoulder of the road.
In the center lane position.

11. A group of motorcyclists should ride in a staggered formation
Through curves and turns.
When merging onto the highway.
When passing as a group.
On long stretches of road.

12. Your passenger should
Lean in the opposite direction of the motorcycle.
Sit as far forward as possible.
Get on the motorcycle before you start the engine.
Put his or her feet down when the motorcycle is stopped.

13. If there is a hazard on the right side of the road, which lane position should you ride in?
Center or right
Center only
Left or center
Right or left

14. The clutch is located at the
Left foot pedal.
Right foot pedal.
Right handgrip.
Left handgrip.

15. When you park, which wheels should be touching the curb?
The front wheel
Both wheels
Neither wheel
The rear wheel

16. When you are being passed on the left, you should
Avoid the left lane position.
Move closer to the passing vehicle.
Avoid the center lane position.
Ride on the shoulder of the road.

17. At an intersection, you must especially watch out for
Irregular traffic signals.
Cars turning left in front of you.
Parked cars.
Vehicles trying to share your lane.

18. When riding in a group, where should an inexperienced rider be positioned?
At the end of the group
In the middle of the group
Behind the leader
At the front of the group

19. A wobble is likely to be made worse by
Riding beside another vehicle.
Closing the throttle gradually.
Trying to accelerate out of it.
Unpaved roads.

20. When you believe that another vehicle might try to share your lane, what should you do?
Use hand signals.
Swerve from side to side.
Ride in the center lane position.
Flash your brake light.

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