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Licensed By State of New York
Certified by M.WBE

Motorcycle Quiz 10

1. When riding through a curve, the most effective lane position
Is the right lane position.
Is the center lane position.
Is any lane position as long as you maintain it.
Will change throughout the curve.

2. A motorcycle passenger requires which of the following?
A helmet
Passenger footrests
Designated seat room
All of the above

3. When looking where you want to turn, you should
Turn your head, not your shoulders, in the direction of the intended turn.
Keep your eyes level with the horizon.
Reduce your speed before the turn.
Do all of the above.

4. Because riding a motorcycle is more tiring than driving a car, you should
Take frequent breaks.
Drink caffeinated beverages.
Avoid wearing dark eyewear.
Avoid drinking water.

5. When you start your motorcycle, your right wrist should be positioned
Flat, so you won’t use too much throttle.
Slow, to increase control.
High, to use the throttle the most.

6. While you are gripping the handlebars, your arms should be positioned
With elbows locked.
With your elbows at 90 degrees.
So they are slightly bent.
Anywhere on the handgrips.

7. You are approaching a turn. If you need to shift gears, you should do it
At any time.
After completing the turn.
Before entering the turn.
After entering the turn.

8. Which brake is more important?
The front brake, because it provides 70% of a motorcycle’s stopping power.
The rear brake, because it provides 70% of a motorcycle’s stopping power.
The rear brake, because it prevents skidding.
The front brake, because it prevents skidding.

9. It can be dangerous to ride alongside cars because
Operating your motorcycle may become more difficult.
You may be riding in their blind spots.
Your visibility may be reduced.
You may be distracted by what is happening inside the vehicles.

10. When should you only use the front brake?
If the rear tire is flat
At all times
On surfaces with low traction
When stopping quickly

11. If your motorcycle starts to wobble, the best way to stop it is to
Close the throttle gradually.
Apply the rear brake.
Apply the front brake.
Accelerate out of the wobble.

12. The road ahead looks slippery. What should you do?
Stop and turn around.
Use the rear brake only.
Stop your motorcycle and walk it across the slippery section.
Slow down before reaching the slippery section.

13. Which of the following is NOT an effect of alcohol?
Increased alertness
Slower reactions
Dulled judgment
Impaired vision

14. In the rain, the safest place to ride is
In the center lane position.
On the shoulder of the road.
In the left lane position.
In the tracks left by other vehicles.

15. The best way to protect your eyes is with
A three-quarter helmet.
A face shield.
A windshield.

16. Your motorcycle’s chain should be checked
At the start of each season.
Once a month.
Once a week.
Before every ride.

17. Because motorcycles accelerate faster than other vehicles on the road, you must
Make eye contact with other vehicle operators.
Leave a larger space cushion.
Flash your headlights when accelerating.
Be careful not to run into the vehicle in front of you.

18. When should you use both the front and rear brakes at the same time?
At all times, unless you have a flat tire
In emergencies only
On hills and curves

19. Cargo on your motorcycle should be secured
Behind the rear axle.
On the sissy bar.
With elastic cords.
With rope.

20. When starting a motorcycle facing uphill, you should change to _________ to hold the motorcycle while you operate the throttle.
The rear brake
Either the front brake or rear brake
The front brake
Both brakes

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